Internet Banking System

Selective Group Messaging System with Privacy Control

Project Description

The Internet Banking System is a web-based application designed to provide secure and efficient banking services online. Developed using PHP and MySQL, this project allows users to manage their accounts, transfer funds, view transaction history, and access other banking services from anywhere with internet access. This system is designed with robust security measures to ensure safe online transactions and data privacy.

How to Run the Project

Download and Extract:
  • Install XAMPP/WAMP: Download and install XAMPP or WAMP to set up the Apache and MySQL environment.
  • Setup the Database: Import the provided .sql file into MySQL using phpMyAdmin. Update the database credentials in config.php to match your local server.
  • Run the Server: Place the project files in the htdocs directory (for XAMPP) or the appropriate folder for WAMP.
  • Start the Apache and MySQL services. Access the Project: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost/internet_banking
  • How the Internet Banking System Works

  • User Authentication
  • Dashboard Access
  • Account Management
  • Fund Transfer
  • Transaction History
  • Admin Oversight
  • Notifications
  • Security Protocols
  • Modules

    User Module Features:
  • Register and log in.
  • View account details and balance.
  • Transfer funds to other accounts.
  • View transaction history.
  • Change password and manage profile.
  • Admin Module Features:
  • Manage user accounts (add, update, delete).
  • Monitor transactions.
  • Approve/decline fund transfer requests.
  • Generate system reports.
  • Selective Group Messaging System with Privacy Control

    Selective Group Messaging System with Privacy Control

    Project Description

    The Privacy-Controlled Group Messaging system allows users to send messages within a group with fine-grained control over visibility.
    This feature ensures that only the intended recipients can view the message, even in a group setting.

    Key Highlights Selective Visibility:

    While sending a message, users can select specific group members who are allowed to view it.
    Example: In a group of 10, a message can be sent to only 3 selected members.
    Privacy by Design: The system respects user preferences and ensures no unauthorized access to private messages.
    Secure Message Handling: Messages are stored securely in the database with visibility settings, ensuring no unintended access.
    User-Friendly Interface: A simple UI for selecting recipients while composing the message.

    Database Design:

    Messages Table: id, sender_id, group_id, message, created_at. Message_Recipients
    Table: id, message_id, recipient_id.
    Implementation in PHP: Use AJAX for seamless user interaction. Validate visibility permissions on the server before rendering messages.

    How It Works Message

    Composition: User selects the group for the message. Chooses members (or "all") who can see the message. Composes and sends the message.
    Privacy Filtering: Before displaying messages to any group member, the system checks the visibility settings. Only members explicitly selected by the sender can view the message.

    How to Run the Project

    Download and Extract: Download the project files and extract them into your local server directory (e.g., htdocs for XAMPP).
    Setup Database: Create a database in MySQL and import the provided .sql file into it. Update the database connection details in the PHP configuration file (e.g., dbcon.php,config.php).
    Run the Server: Start your local server (XAMPP/WAMP). Navigate to the project folder in your browser, e.g., http://localhost/Encrypted


    User Modules:
  • Registration and Login
  • Features: Group Management Features:
  • Messaging Features:
  • Admin Modules
  • User Management Features:
  • Group Management Features:
  • Monitor Messages Features:
  • Media Encryption System : Secure Images, Audio, Documents, and Videos

    Media Encryption and Decryption System with File Upload and Email Integration

    Project Description

    This project provides a secure solution for encrypting and decrypting media files such as audio, video, and documents. The system allows users to:
    Encrypt Files: Protect sensitive media files using advanced encryption techniques.
    Decrypt Files: Easily decrypt the encrypted files when needed.
    Upload Files: Store media files securely in a database.
    Email Files: Send encrypted files via email, ensuring safe and efficient file sharing.
    Built with a robust tech stack, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL, this project ensures data security and usability for a wide range of applications.

    How to Run the Project

    Download and Extract: Download the project files and extract them into your local server directory (e.g., htdocs for XAMPP).
    Setup Database: Create a database in MySQL and import the provided .sql file into it. Update the database connection details in the PHP configuration file (e.g., dbcon.php).
    Run the Server: Start your local server (XAMPP/WAMP). Navigate to the project folder in your browser, e.g., http://localhost/Encrypted

    Advantages of the Project

    Enhanced Security: Protects sensitive media files through encryption, ensuring unauthorized access is prevented.
    Convenient File Sharing: The email integration feature allows users to share encrypted files securely.
    User-Friendly Interface: The use of HTML, CSS, and jQuery ensures an intuitive and responsive user interface.
    Efficient File Management: Uploaded files are securely stored in the MySQL database, enabling organized and safe file management.
    Versatile Technology Stack: Built with widely-used technologies (PHP, MySQL, etc.), making the system easy to deploy and customize.
    Cross-Platform Compatibility: The system works seamlessly across different platforms and devices.

    Using the Application:

    Upload media files using the file upload feature. Encrypt or decrypt the files as needed. Send encrypted files via email using the integrated email feature.