Selective Group Messaging System with Privacy Control
Project Description
The Internet Banking System is a web-based application designed to provide secure and efficient banking services online. Developed using PHP and MySQL, this project allows users to manage their accounts, transfer funds, view transaction history, and access other banking services from anywhere with internet access. This system is designed with robust security measures to ensure safe online transactions and data privacy.
How to Run the Project
Download and Extract:Install XAMPP/WAMP: Download and install XAMPP or WAMP to set up the Apache and MySQL environment. Setup the Database: Import the provided .sql file into MySQL using phpMyAdmin.
Update the database credentials in config.php to match your local server. Run the Server: Place the project files in the htdocs directory (for XAMPP) or the appropriate folder for WAMP. Start the Apache and MySQL services.
Access the Project: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost/internet_banking
How the Internet Banking System Works
User Module
Features:Register and log in. View account details and balance. Transfer funds to other accounts. View transaction history. Change password and manage profile. Admin Module
Features:Manage user accounts (add, update, delete). Monitor transactions. Approve/decline fund transfer requests. Generate system reports.